Tuesday – Friday: 9.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.
Saturday – Sunday 9.00 a.m. – 2.30 p.m
Monday: closed
The closing time of the ticket office: 3.30 p.m./ 2.00 p.m
The Museum is closed on Public Holidays. Galleries may occasionally be closed for maintenance or long-term refurbishment.
The ticket includes the admission to the: The Great Hall, the Lobby and the Staircases, Romanian and Hungarian Art Gallery, the Small Hall and the temporary exhibitions.
Photography and filming fee
Photography fee 40 lei
Special occasions: 80 lei
Filming fee 50 lei
Special occasions: 125 lei
Note: Photography tickets do not apply to the art galleries. The use of flash and tripods is not permitted.
Tickets can be bought at the box office of the Palace of Culture.
Visitor toilets are located on level 0, on the right and left side of the lobby, next to the stairs. The women’s room on the left side and the men’s room on the right side.
Disabled access toilet can also be found on level 0, to the right from the accessible entrance.
Ruhatár Az előtár folyosóján helyezkednek el, és csak az előadások alatt tartnak nyitva.
Pénztár A jegyiroda az épületen kívül található, a Gheorge Enescu utca és a Victoriei tér sarkán.
Kerékpár parkoló
Kerékpárjaikat az épület baloldali részén található kis udvarban köthetik le az ott kialakított szpeciális helyeken.
You can make your reservation at groups@kulturpalota.ro (or contact phone numbers). In the email, please specify the date and time you are planning to visit, the number of people, the language you have agreed on, such as your contact name and phone number. Each email will receive a written response.